Rowdy Bo Rchcreek Rhoades Halferty

Edgewood Middle School prides itself on philanthropy and appreciating all people who make it successful.  The theme of STEM is apparent within all classrooms.  For the past two years, students work in the STEM lab to manufacture a winter holiday appreciation gift.

Last year, a personalized key chain was produced using the CO2 laser.  The students made it possible by working and making these items. 

This year, students like Anya Baumgardner and Adella Mae Huffer personalized cutting boards for bus drivers, kitchen, custodial, support, and certified staff at Edgewood Middle School.  The students really want everyone to feel included.  Today, Santa, his elf, and Mrs. Santa Claus - along with a real pony (Bo) and Rowdy-the-robot delivered these gifts.  Rowdy-the-robot is an Edgewood humanoid robot that is programmable.  

Warsaw Community Schools relishes these moments to involve students, to teach gratitude, and to make someone's day a little brighter. It is truly heartwarming to surprise our essential staff and remind them how valuable they are to us! 

Thanks go out to Edgewood Middle School Project Lead The Way (PLTW) teacher Abbi Richcreek, Edgewood Principal JoElla Hauselman, Assistant Principal Jason Culver, Social Studies teacher Andrew Halferty, Health/PE teacher Janelle Rhoades, and Ace Richcreek & his Pony Bo for making giving these custom and personalized gifts a memorable gesture of appreciation. 

Following the gifting, Bo & Rowdy (accompanied by Mrs. Santa Claus & her Elf (Hornet Helper Ace Richcreek) surprised students at Washington STEM with a classroom visit! 

#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw